Monday, July 6, 2015

Author, Cleaver, Samantha (2014, Sep 15). Technology in the Classroom: Helpful or Harmful? Retrieved from http://

This article begins by discussing the world of technology at the hands of children. Children come home and immediately gravitate to Facebook, tablets, television, video games, and computers. This type of hands on activities should be accelerating their learning at school but it is difficult.

The first issue Cleaver discusses is the fact that many teachers are unable to find the time to effectively incorporate technology into the classroom. The lack of time and professional development makes it difficult for them to create quality lessons where students are actively engaged in their learning.

The next portion discusses the benefits of the technology. Students can have more individualized practice at their grade level and thought process. These highly engaging activities can free up time to spend time problem solving with other students and grouping students for effective instruction. The author also points out the help of technology for appropriately and quickly tracking progress and effective instruction. Teachers are able to use technology as an assessment tool.

The author then concludes the article with three tips to maximize effectiveness of technology instruction. First, make sure the activities are integrated into a bigger picture. Practicing in isolation isn't nearly as effective. Second, don't assume technology is being integrated appropriately or at all in today's classrooms. Last, the gadget has to effectively engage the child in higher level thinking skills, basic skills, etc. The teacher needs to know and understand which skills they want the child to accomplish.


I found this article very interesting as I too have struggled with determining how best to use my limited technology. I have different kindle fire tablets that I give to students but need to be more specific in the targeted skills I want them to engage in. I also feel that it was interesting how they discussed how many teachers lack the professional development to appropriately use technology. There are constant changes and difficulties teachers face daily. There is never enough time to truly engage students if you don't have the time to plan lessons according to students needs.
I do think there are many benefits to technology in the classroom but as this article states:the teachers need the time and development to use them in the best way for students. If we are using technology just to say we are using it, we aren't really pushing students forward.

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